The website entitled UNIVERS D'EMOCIONS ( belongs to the limited company UNIVERS D'EMOCIONS CBE, SL with CIF: B42987537. It has the legal address at: C / de l'Electricitat, 37, 17257 - Torroella de Montgrí - Girona and is registered in the commercial register of said province with the following information:.
The person in charge of the website (, makes this document available to users with which it intends to comply with the obligations set forth in Law 34/2002, on Company Services Information and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), as well as informing about the conditions of use, to all users of the website.
Any person who accesses this website assumes the role of user, committing to the observance and strict compliance with the provisions set forth herein, as well as any other legal provision that may be applicable.
The provider reserves the right to modify any type of information that it could, without there being an obligation to give prior notice or to inform the users of said obligations.
The provider adheres to the code of conduct that appears in the legal text of the Information Society Services Law (LSSI - that can be viewed, downloaded and / or printed from the referenced link. This code of conduct guarantees users that this website complies with current legislation and is subject to all the obligations set forth in said code.
UNIVERS D'EMOCIONS CBE, SL, is exempt from any type of responsibility derived from the information published on its website, including news from RSS sources.
The website may use cookies (it is a piece of information that is stored on the hard drive of the visitor of a web page through their browser, of ephemeral life, which the user can delete at any time), but in no case is it used to collect personal data.
From the client's website it is possible that it is redirected to the content of third-party websites. Given that the provider cannot always control the content posted by third parties on their websites, it does not assume any responsibility for such content. In any case, if the administrator detects content that could affect or contravene current legislation, the rights of users and / or order, it reserves the right to eliminate it without prior notice and to bring it to the attention of the competent authorities.
As far as possible, this website has been tested and reviewed for proper operation. However, we cannot guarantee the possibility that it is operational 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, or that causes of force majeure, natural disasters, strikes, or similar circumstances occur that make access to the website impossible.
UNIVERS D'EMOCIONS CBE, SL is the entity responsible for the data file generated with the personal data supplied by the users of the portal
In accordance with Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13 on the Protection of Personal Data, UNIVERS D'EMOCIONS CBE, SL (from now on, UNIVERS D'EMOCIONS) undertakes to comply with its obligation of secrecy with Regarding personal data and the duty to treat them with confidentiality. For these purposes, it will adopt the necessary measures to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access.
The purpose of the collection and automated processing of personal data is the management, provision, presentation of information, expansion and improvement of the services requested at all times by the user and the follow-up of queries raised by users.
The user may exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition at any time, by contacting the address: UNIVERS D'EMOCIONS CBE, SL, C / de l'Electricitat, 37, 17257 - Torroella de Montgrí - Girona, Spain, or in writing, accompanying a photocopy of ID at the address indicated above or at
All the contents of the portal (such as logos, brands, source code), belong to UNIVERS D'EMOCIONS, except those from RSS sources.
Its use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other similar or analogous activity is totally prohibited, unless UNIVERS D'EMOCIONS grants it a written authorization.
The license to use any content on this Portal granted to the user is limited to the download by the user of said content for consultation purposes and the private use thereof, provided that the aforementioned content remains intact.
At UNIVERS D'EMOCIONS CBE, SL, we respect the intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties; Therefore, if you consider that we could be violating your rights, please contact us at the following email address:
Both the access to the websites and the use that may be made of the information and contents therein, will be the sole responsibility of the person who performs it. Therefore, the use that can be made of the information, images, content and / or products reviewed and accessible through it, will be subject to the law, whether national or international, applicable, as well as the principles of good faith and lawful use. by users, who will be fully responsible for this access and correct use. Users will be obliged to make reasonable use of the services or contents, under the principle of good faith and with respect to current legislation, morals, public order, good customs, the rights of third parties or of their own. UNIVERS D'EMOCIONS,all this according to the possibilities and ends for which they are conceived.
UNIVERS D'EMOCIONS does not assume responsibilities, whether direct or indirect, for consequential damages or lost profits, derived from the misuse of the services or contents made by users or third parties.
The contents provided by UNIVERS D'EMOCIONS, as well as the contents offered on the network through its web pages, constitute a work within the meaning of the legislation on intellectual property and are therefore protected by international laws and conventions applicable in the matter. Any form of reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation, making available and, in general, any other act of public exploitation referring to both the web pages and their contents and information, without the express and prior consent in writing, is prohibited. of UNIVERS D'EMOCIONS. Consequently, all the contents that are shown on the different websites and especially, designs, texts, graphics, logos, icons, buttons, software, trade names,Trademarks, industrial drawings or any other sign susceptible of industrial and commercial use, are subject to the intellectual and industrial property rights of UNIVERS D'EMOCIONS or of third party owners who have duly authorized their inclusion in the different websites. The contents, images, forms, opinions, indexes and other formal expressions that are part of the web pages, as well as the necessary software for their operation and visualization, also constitute a work in the sense of Copyright and remain , therefore, protected by applicable international conventions and national laws on intellectual property. Failure to comply with the aforementioned implies the commission of serious illegal acts and their sanction by civil and criminal legislation.
Any of the technical, logical or technological resources by virtue of which a third party can benefit, directly or indirectly, with or without profit, from each and every one of the contents, forms, indexes and other formal expressions that form is prohibited. part of the web pages, or of the effort carried out by UNIVERS D'EMOCIONS for their operation. Specifically, any link, hyperlink, framing or similar link that may be established in the direction of the UNIVERS D'EMOCIONS web pages, without the prior, express and written consent of UNIVERS D'EMOCIONS is prohibited. Any violation of the provisions of this point will be considered as an injury to the legitimate intellectual property rights of UNIVERS D'EMOCIONS on the web pages and all their contents. UNIVERS D 'EMOCIONS will not assume any responsibility before the consequences derived from the aforementioned behaviors and actions, in the same way that it will not assume any responsibility for the contents, services, products, etc ... of third parties that can be accessed directly or through banners, links, links, hyperlinks, framing or similar links from the UNIVERS D'EMOCIONS websites.
For the resolution of all controversies or issues related to this site or the activities carried out therein, Spanish legislation will be applied, to which the parties expressly submit, being competent to resolve all the conflicts derived from or related to its use in the Courts and Tribunals of Girona.
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